Never Fight Back? What are You On?

Never fight back? What are you on? Every time I hear this I yell and scream at the television and the person saying it. (Okay, that’s a little exaggeration, but not much.)

Here is a paragraph from the Survive A Shooting book I’m working on that prompted me to write this blog:

There are some out there that teach that you should never attack back. (They usually refer to “fight” from the “Run – Hide – Fight” model.) Never fight? I’ve seen them on television spouting off this nonsense with the word “expert” after their name. I vehemently disagree with this this so-called expert advice to never fight back. I just told you there is evidence that armed and unarmed civilians have stopped active shooters. The scum that are killing innocent people are cowards and they want victims that won’t fight back. Surprise them and send them to their maker sooner than they anticipated without the body count they wanted.

The part where I say, I just told you…, refers to earlier in the chapter where I wrote about both the statistics from the FBI, and watching the news, that show armed and unarmed civilians have stopped active shooters. This proves that the things I’m writing about in the book, and the things I teach in the Survive A Shooting course save lives. This includes Attacking Back!

Never fight? Ridiculous! If escaping and denying access to you are not options, you must attack back with everything you have. If armed, great. If not, arm yourself with anything available. If no improvised weapons are available you either aren’t being creative enough or you are someplace pretty barren and remote. But you still have your body, so attack back with what you have. Never just be a victim.

I agree that escaping and denying access by locking down and barricading are preferred options to physically confronting an active shooter, especially if you are not armed with a firearm yourself. Unfortunately, we don’t always get our preferred options. I’d prefer that no one ever started shooting innocent people again, but sadly I don’t think that will be the case either.

Never fight? Not hardly. Attacking Back is the ONLY acceptable option in some situations. It’s that or die a victim, and to me that’s not an option. If I am going to die, I’m going to go out doing everything I can to stop the killer or at least take him with me. I hope you have that attitude too.





Active Shooter Response Training with Alain Burrese FB Live 6-2-17

Active Shooter Response training video that was recorded live on Facebook last Friday. It was a good session with questions regarding Active Shooter Response training and other active threats. The training isn’t just for Active Shooters. The training, as you can see if you check out the page on the course covers how to respond to other threats, including knives, too.

I’m not sure why the video and audio are off a bit when I put Facebook Live videos on YouTube. Just pretend it’s an old Kung Fu Theater movie. It’s the information you want to hear anyway. So enjoy it, learn, and stay safe.

Active Shooter Tip – Be Aware

Active Shooter Tip – Be aware!

We must keep our heads out of our apps and be aware of what is going on around us. Know what is “normal” for the area and situation to recognize behaviors that aren’t normal. Too many of us go through the day oblivious of our surroundings until something happens – the warning signs are out there if you’re paying attention.

You won’t be able to Escape, Deny, or Attack Back if you aren’t first aware of the threat in the first place. So be aware. It will help you in an emergency, and it allows you to see the good things too.

(The picture used on this blog has the sister site logo, Survive and Defend, because I used to put Active Shooter Response tips and information there before this site was up and running.)

Have A Plan To Survive an Active Shooter

Do you know what you would do if someone burst into your place of employment and started shooting people? Where would you go if you heard shots being fired down the hall? Do you know how to effectively lock down and barricade? How can you attack back and survive?

You don’t have to have an elaborate plan, in fact simple is best, but you MUST have a plan. You don’t want to be caught not knowing what to do. When seconds count, help is only minutes away, and you must know what to do to immediately save your life and keep you safe.

Book a live class, or have your employer bring me in to teach you as soon as possible!

Shooting in California and a knife attack in Texas Facebook Live Video

Shooting in California and Knife Attack in Texas is a video filmed live on Facebook discussing, what else, a Shooting in California and a Knife Attack in Texas. The sound and picture are off, and not sure why that happened when transferring from Facebook. So just listen to the information or pretend you are watching one of the old Kung Fu movies dubbed in English.

These kinds of attacks do happen, so stay aware, have a plan, and Stay safe!

You Can Survive!

Do you need to be a martial arts expert or have special forces training to survive an attack by a gun or knife?

No. You need to be able to get past denial and assess the situation. You need a plan. You need to have walked through it and have had some basic training. You need to know if you can escape, deny, or attack back. You need to Move and do one of these three options immediately with commitment.

I teach all kinds of people how to survive. Sure, I also teach martial art classes and help people achieve their black belts in the Korean self-defense art of Hapkido, but that is not required to be a survivor. The strategies and tactics in the Survive a Shooting course focus on simple things than anyone can learn and implement.

You can survive!

Survive the Shooting: Ten Tips

Survive a Shooting Alain Burrese Active Shooter ClassSurvive the shooting! That is your goal if the unthinkable breaks out. You must SURVIVE!

These ten tip introduce some of the strategies and tactics taught at Survive A Shooting, and in the Survive a Shooting classes.

Think of these as an introduction, and quick reminders as what you need to do to survive an active shooter or active threat incident.



Survive a Shooting: Ten Tips

  1. Be aware! We must keep our heads out of our apps and be aware of what is going on around us. Know what is “normal” for the area and situation to recognize behaviors that aren’t normal.
  2. Move! Get off the X. Movement saves lives! You must do something immediately. You have to do something without hesitation, as freezing and doing nothing makes you an easy target. Prior training will help you react faster. If you drop to the floor, don’t just lay there, move toward cover or safety.
  3. Escape! Know your exits! Escaping is always the preferred option when possible, and you must know your escape routes which includes all exits.
  4. Know the difference between cover and concealment! Concealment will prevent someone from seeing you, but won’t stop bullets. Cover will stop bullets. Part of your awareness is identifying objects that can serve as cover.
  5. Deny the shooter access to you! This includes lock downs, barricading with both commercial devices and make shift barricading materials, and anything else you can do to keep a shooter out of your location.
  6. Attack Back! If you can’t escape to safety or deny the shooter access by locking and barricading, you must fight. If you are armed, that is to your advantage. If you are not armed, use whatever you have to attack back and stop the shooter. Learn how to defend yourself empty handed and with weapons, including improvised weapons to increase your chances of successfully attacking back.
  7. Learn trauma care! Know how to stop blood loss on yourself and others. Keep first aid kits with tourniquets handy at your office, in your car, and even on your person.
  8. Make a Plan! Have a general plan of what you will do, based on these tips, to increase your survivability.
  9. Develop a Survivor’s and Fighter’s Mindset! There was a Navy SEAL shot 27 times and survived. 11 shots were in his body armor, the others in his body. It was his faith and mindset that helped him fight on and survive.
  10. Accept responsibility for your own safety and for those you take care of. The police will get there, but you must keep yourself alive until they do, and that might mean stopping the threat yourself. When the police do arrive, understand they are under stress too, and follow all of their instructions.

Active Shooter Triangle with Alain Burrese from a FaceBook Live Recording

Active Shooter Triangle discussion from a FaceBook Live recording.

This is the recording I did on Facebook live on March 28, 2017, where I discussed the Active Shooter Triangle. I use the triangle and Escape, Deny, Attack Back rather than the more popular Run, Hide, Fight that is usually taught in a linear manner. I also discussed awareness and common sense and interacted with different people.